Blazer: Topshop | Top: Similar | Skirt: LOFT | Shoes: Nordstrom | Purse: Amazon
Photography by: Ban Avenue
I hadn’t planned on sharing this today but as are most of my blog posts, this one was spurred by an Instagram discussion. That Instagram discussion was spurred by my random thoughts while taking a walk around the neighborhood (something I’m trying to be better about doing).
Although I am a finance major and relatively business minded, I have never been motivated by money. Maybe that’s because I grew up surrounded by it and have had a fairly easy time in the financial department, but nonetheless money has just never been the driving source to motivate me. I think back to when my parents would grant us an allowance each month if we completed our chores. I almost never got an allowance- shocker!! But even a much younger, simpler minded Shelbi was more driven by the promise of TCBY or a gold star than money- imagine that!
So this made me think, if not money, then what drives me? How do I measure success? I had a good idea of what my drivers might be but I decided to hit up my good friend, Google, to see what other factors normally motivate people. And here is what she (yes, I’ve declared Google to be a wise woman) said.
1. Money and Rewards
Most people wake up each morning and head into work solely because of the reason they have bills to pay and work is an end to a means to pay those bills. Most people are simply working for the money and no other reason. A lot of people think that all they want is money, but what they do not realize is money is not usually the end product they are actually wanting. People want money to pay bills so that they can feel secure, to buy a nice car so that they can feel cool, to pay off their debts so that they can feel accomplished.
2. Desire to be the Best
Some people cannot stand being second best. Whether it is pride or hating to lose, these people push themselves the hardest when they know they are competing for that number one spot. Even if that “number one spot” is something they have created in their mind and isn’t actually something physically attainable. These people usually have no problem sacrificing weekends, skipping out on family dinners, or waking up at 5 to get ahead of the game.
3. Helping Others
And then some are motivated by helping others because they want to bring about change, motivation or inspiration into others’ lives. They care about making the world a better place.They feel happiest when they feel like they are making a difference a bringing about a greater good in someone’s life beside their own.
4. Power and Fame
This is a common motivator right behind money and normally go hand in hand because most people associate power and fame with how much money you have. People that are driven by power and fame usually are craving attention and acceptance of some kind. In this day and age of celebrities, Youtube sensations, and social influencers, there is more interest than ever to put ourselves out there to attract a large following and revel in the attention from complete strangers. Normally those whose number one motivator in life is fame, are normally met with disappointment because they always seem to want more.
5. Recognition
Know somebody that always has to be right? Or makes sure that everyone else knows that they accomplished their goal? Some people feel most accomplished or proud of themselves when they are recognized publicly. This can be as small as a simple thank you, just something to show that somebody recognizes and appreciates that you are doing a good job. It has been proven that recognition in any shape or form tends to increase a person’s sense of worth which in turn produces an increased sense of pride and satisfaction in their work. This is why a lot of companies do Employee of the Month.
6. The Passion
Passion is the strongest motivator out there. It is what can make us sacrifice sleep or leisure time in order to do something we love. The power of passion spreads through all parts of life, whether it be a sport, hobby, family, friends, etc. Passion can make us do some crazy things that money can’t. Sadly, most people do not find passion in their jobs. They become zombies just going through the motion of their job. But those that are passionate about their jobs, feel as though they have never had to work a day in their life!
So what does all of this mean? Once you understand what drives and motivates you, you can better your work ethic and turn your work into a passionate career. By identifying what it is that motivates us, we can enhance the factor used to obtain success. Because without motivation, you will never have the drive to fulfill your hopes and dreams.
Most of us are a mixture of several of these. My number one motivator is most definitely helping others. While I can get caught up in the power and fame craze of social media, at the end of the day I find myself most concerned with thoughts like, “Did I make a difference in anyone’s life today?”, “Am I making a positive impact?”, “Am I using my God given gifts to help make a difference?”. And even if I dropped followers or didn’t get very many likes on my Instagram photo that day, as long as I received one message or comment throughout the day from one of you that said you can relate to what I am sharing or that something I shared inspired or made you feel good about yourself, well then I can go to sleep with a happy heart and wake up the next morning ready to do it all again!
What motivates you? I’d love to hear in the comments below!