
That’s so 70’s Denim Jumpsuit

Denim Jumpsuit, NYFW, New York street style

Denim Jumpsuit, NYFW, New York street style

Denim Jumpsuit, NYFW, New York street style

Denim Jumpsuit, NYFW, New York street style

Denim Jumpsuit, NYFW, New York street style

Denim Jumpsuit, NYFW, New York street style

Denim Jumpsuit, NYFW, New York street style

Denim Jumpsuit, NYFW, New York street style

Denim Jumpsuit, NYFW, New York street style

Jumpsuit: Express (under $30) | Shoes: Elaine Turner | Clutch: Charming Charlie | Earrings: Bauble Bar

If you have been following me for any length of time you know that the jumpsuit addiction runs deep with me. If I could live in them, I would. Unfortunately I don’t think it would be socially acceptable to wear jumpsuits everyday. I wore this denim one during fashion week and felt like I just stepped off the set of “That’s So 70’s” show.

This is one of those outfits that I put together and was instantly like, I don’t know where else I could pull something off like this other than fashion week but it’s probably one of my favorites to date! Between the denim overload, platform sneakers, fun earrings and pink shades, I think I’d fit right in during the 70’s.

So sometimes you buy the outfit that makes absolutely no sense but makes you feel like your best self because we all need those types of outfits. For me, this is that outfit. After all isn’t that what fashion is all about? Expressing yourself through clothes? I personally think this one is full of personality and spunk!

I’ve reworn these sneakers multiple times with different outfits and recently threw on a sweater over the denim jumpsuit to transition it into Fall. Nobody knew it was a jumpsuit since only the pants showed but I got plenty of compliments and of course had to tell everyone “it’s a jumpsuit”, to which they just gave me side eye. LOL. One of these days I’ll learn to just say thank you instead of always coming back with “it’s on sale”, “it’s from XYZ retailer”, “you can pair it with almost anything!”. #sorrryimnotsorry

Do you have any of those outfits that you put together and you are like “HELL YES” and then think to yourself, “now where the heck am I going to wear this?!”. I’d love to hear in the comments below!

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Taking A Step Back + Nordstrom Giveaway

Top: LOFT (on sale) | Shorts: Nordstrom | Sneakers: Johnston & Murphy | Earrings: Similar

Hi Friends! I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but I have taken a step back from the blog these past couple of months for multiple reasons. Some of those I am not able to share right now but others I will certainly let you in on. I am a big proponent of “quality over quantity” meaning that I don’t want to just get on here to write a post if my heart is not in it. I used to think that just getting a post up whether it was read-worthy was what it took to make it in the blogging world. Well I’ve come to learn that posting halfass blog posts doesn’t do either one of us any good. You don’t want to read something that has no point to it and I certainly don’t enjoy writing them! It’s a lose-lose.

These past few months have not been what I expected recovery to be. Not because recovery has been bad, in fact it has been really good! I am pretty much back to a completely normal lifestyle! I have started physical therapy and am currently going 3 times a week. Life is busier than ever with friends, family, events and just life. But then why is it that I feel so drained all of the time? I wake up already dreaming about what time I will be able to make it into bed that night. Usually my heart sinks a little when I realize that it will be another late night with little sleep. That is no way to start the day dreading how much you have to do. It’s discouraging to say the least.

I couldn’t even tell y’all the last time that I cleaned my house. There are still suitcases lying around my room from recent trips because I just haven’t had the time or energy to unpack them. Laundry hasn’t been done in months. There are still Easter decorations up. When I do have the time for these things, all I want to do is relax. Yet I can’t even seem to unplug and relax anymore without the worry and guilt of things that I should be doing. It’s a viscous cycle that I want out of!

My cup is empty. What do I mean by that? I have finally realized that I am pouring into so much that is not fulfilling me. All of these things that I am spending my time on should not have to feel like work. Friends, events, blogging, dinner dates, whatever it may be. I am so used to keeping a busy schedule that lately I couldn’t figure out why my busy schedule was not keeping me entertained. In fact why it was doing the exact opposite. So that’s why I have taken a step back to try to get things back in order. To try and figure out what it is that motivates me. To unplug and enjoy being present. To appreciate the little things. To come home to a clean house. And above all to be happy with where I am spending my time.

So many of us fill our schedules thinking that that is the way to success. Well hey if that is working for you then you just keep on keeping on! But if you are pouring into a lot of things that are not fulfilling you, you will eventually crash and burn. Instead of trying to pack “you” time into your already packed schedule (because so many people will suggest this), it might be necessary to take a step back altogether and reevaluate. There are very few things that we can give away and never get back, but time is one of those so choose how you spend it wisely!

I’ll get off of my soapbox now 🙂 With all of that being said, I wanted to let y’all know that I will still be around. I am just taking some time for me and still trying to blog in the process because it really is such a healing tool when I do finally get behind the keyboard. It’s the getting there that is the hard part! That being said, although I am a fashion blogger, recovery has taught me that I love writing about personal topics. Dating, real life, the messy parts, that’s what I have loved writing about recently and you guys seem to be loving it too! So you can expect to be seeing more of that!

Now onto the good stuff, the Nordstrom Anniversary sale is just a little over a month away. This sale is HUGE guys. I’m talking full price items, even designer ones, on major sale. So much stuff flew off the shelves in the first couple of hours last year so you definitely have to be on your game! To get you ready for the big sale, I have teamed up with some other bloggers to gift one lucky reader a $1,000 Nordstrom gift card. See below to enter.

2017 Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

Now…it’s time for a fabulous giveaway!
I’ve teamed up with an amazing group of bloggers
to give YOU a chance to win:
a $1,000 Nordstrom Gift Card, just in time for the Anniversary Sale!

Simply enter below by completing the rafflecopter.
You’ll receive one entry per completion.
This giveaway is open internationally and runs until 7/3.
Winner will be announced here. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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