Photography by: Banavenue
Top: For Love & Lemons | Pants: Gap | Shoes: Similar | Purse: Kate Spade | Sunglasses: Karen Walker | Lipstick: MAC “Captive”
It feels so good to finally get a Work Wear Wednesday post up on the blog! It’s been far too long and frankly I think I missed them more than my normal posts! For someone that lives in work attire 40+ hours a week, business casual is what I know. In fact I might even go as far as to say that I have almost perfected it. I think back to how hard I tried at the beginning. Oh how I laugh at that now because after being there for close to 3 years, I frankly just don’t give a damn what people at work think about my dress code.
Some days I go all out. Cute outfit, hair did, make up did, the works. Those days are definitely not Mondays or Fridays. Other days I look just a tad more put together than a hobo. Those are usually the days that I’m going on 3 days without washing my hair and hoping that nobody notices the insane amount of dry shampoo I’ve used to combat the grease. *I trust that this information stays between just you and me* There really isn’t a rhyme or reason to my work attire anymore. I’m not one to plan my outfits out. They are 100% a spur of the moment decision based on 1) how tired I am 2) what amount of comfort I am going for and 3) how long it’s been since I’ve done laundry. We are pushing 2 months over here.
Let’s just say those 3 stipulations cause me to get a little creative with my outfits. Sometimes this means overemphasizing the casual in business casual and sometimes it means busting out a blazer because that’s the only thing that isn’t dirty. My coworkers must think I have a bipolar fashion sense. Recently I wore leggings to work one day. Yes, I am very ashamed to admit I actually did this but desperate times called for desperate measures and my coworker actually called me out saying I had made a fashion faux pas. You know what? You know how many frills were given that day? ZERO.
Why am I telling you all of this other than to embarrass myself? Because how you dress does not define you and we are all allowed days off from being best dressed. I am proud to say that even on my “hobo” days, I now have my go-to stretchy pants (I like to call these my Thursday pants) and a few tops that will suffice to still make a decently cute outfit. Moral of the story? You are allowed to give zero frills every once and awhile 😉