Dress: Topshop | Shoes: Similar | Bag: Amazon | Sunglasses: Rayban
Photography by: Ban Avenue
If I had a dollar for every time I got asked “So, have you started looking for jobs yet?” I would have enough money to put into a retirement fund so that I’d never have to work another day again in my life. Me dramatic? Never. But I know it’s a question that I have not addressed publicly yet, so here it goes. The simple answer: no.
Why? Well after not having a desk job for the past 6 months (holy cow time flies), I cannot say that I miss it one bit. While I don’t see myself blogging full time forever, I am taking my sweet time before rushing back into the corporate world. One reason why it’s taking awhile is that I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching and thinking about what I want to do next. I know that I want to change industries. While the energy industry is a lucrative one, it’s not something I am passionate about. I’m hoping to find something within the fashion/beauty, press relations, or digital marketing realm next. I’ve been doing a little research on types of jobs that I might like to venture into but nothing too serious.
I am being picky because I can be and in the meantime I’m soaking up every minute of freedom that I have to blog my little heart out, travel as much as I please, and spend time with friends and family. If there is one thing that I keep hearing over and over from family, friends and all of you is to take this time while I am not tied down to focus on myself, be selfish, and take every opportunity that I can. So this is my way of trying to do just that.
The next question that usually follows after I tell people this is, “So why don’t you just blog full time?”. Well because the income is not predictable enough and I enjoy the finer things in life. I like to travel, I like to attend happy hours, I like fancy shoes, and I like to have enough money left over after all of those things to put into my savings. I tend to blow and go which means I have to have an income source that can support that and then some. I’ll deep dive into blogging income another day but in summary, some months are better than others. You don’t have a set paycheck with a set amount. It’s all about how many deals you close and how many sales you make, which can vary from month to month. So while some months I might make several thousand, other months I struggle to cover all my expenses. The inconsistency scares me.
Another factor is insurance. I had to get my own insurance since I’ve been self employed and let me just tell you- IT SUCKS. It is crappy insurance and I’m honestly not sure what I am paying for. I might as well be throwing $200 down the drain every month. Adulting is the worst. If I had a husband that brought in another (more stable) income source and better insurance coverage, I would probably never go back to a desk job. But because I’m a boss a** b**** that don’t need no man (for the time being), I’ll eventually have to call off the party and go back to work! But is that day tomorrow? Is that day a month from now or maybe a year from now? The jury is still out.