Weekend wear

Weekend Style with Lilla P.

White Tunic | Casual Style | Weekend Wear with Lilla P. | It's All Chic To Me

White Tunic | Casual Style | Weekend Wear with Lilla P. | It's All Chic To Me

White Tunic | Casual Style | Weekend Wear with Lilla P. | It's All Chic To Me

White Tunic | Casual Style | Weekend Wear with Lilla P. | It's All Chic To Me

White Tunic | Casual Style | Weekend Wear with Lilla P. | It's All Chic To Me

White Tunic | Casual Style | Weekend Wear with Lilla P. | It's All Chic To Me

Top: Lilla P. | Jeans: Joe’s| Shoes: Similar | Purse: Charming Charlie | Earrings: Kendra Scott | Watch: Michael Kors | Bracelet: Charming Charlie | Ring: Nordstrom

Happy Monday friends! I took a step back this weekend from social media and boy did it feel good. I’m sure none of you noticed because before blogging I sure as heck wouldn’t have, but I felt compelled to let you all in on why! It seems silly to have to think of social media as part of your to-do list, but for me, sadly, it has become just that! I no longer post whenever the occasion arises, instead I try to post 2-3 times a day so I can keep you all up to date on what is currently on the blog and also give you a way to shop my outfit details. As always you can find all of my ready to shop outfit details here. That being said taking some time off from social media is needed for everyone especially when it starts to interfere with your day to day activities. This weekend I had friends in town and then spent yesterday with my family to celebrate Father’s Day with my sweet daddio so being social media free allowed me to spend my undivided time with the ones I love! But don’t worry I will be back in full force now 🙂

Now onto this cute outfit that I wore last weekend for the Pinterest workshop that I attended. Pinterest workshop you ask? It is just want it sounds like! I got to learn from the best, Meg (from Meg O. on the Go) as well as Channing and Michelle (from MWOA), about how to use Pinterest as a resource to drive traffic to your blog. I’m telling y’all it really is crazy how much stuff goes into all of this that I had NO idea about! If this is something that any of you are interested in and would be interested in seeing a blog post about it, please let me know!

My top is actually a tunic that I tied in the front for a more casual look. Tunics are great because they can be worn so many different ways. With pants, leggings, shorts or even as cover ups! Being that I am petite, it can be hard finding a tunic with the right length. You also have the struggle of wearing the right pants so it doesn’t end up looking like a dress. I actually wore the tunic untied for part of the workshop and then decided it looked even cuter tied in the front so I switched it up midday. I loved that it was still long in the back with a little “party” in the front. I added in my favorite summer wedges and pops of red to top off this minimalistic look. I will definitely be recreating this look come July 4th since the red, white and blue isn’t too overbearing and still super stylish! Be sure to check out Lilla P.’s website as they are having their July 4th sale and everything is 30% off!

*Thank you Lilla P. for making this post possible. As always all thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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Casual Weekend Wear

We’re half way through the week and I’ve got the weekend on my brain. After having a busy weekend this past week with the conference I am ready to relax a bit and celebrate my dad’s birthday. I am fortunate that my parents also live in Houston so we make the drive out there (I say out there because Houston is HUGE and they still live 30 minutes away) pretty often. I don’t know about you guys but when I am not working my go to casual outfit to throw on is some jeans and an easy t-shirt. 99% of the time my hair is in a top knot and my make-up is not on point. But then I feel like a slob and I’ll try to look presentable by throwing on some lipstick and accessories. It work’s every time! Have y’all seen that quote, “there is always lipstick”? Well I truly believe that it can do wonders for your presentation. I took this outfit from drab to fab with just a pop of color on my lips, accessories and cute shoes. It’s all in the details. I can’t stress that enough!








This Wallaby bag by Charming Charlie could not be more perfect to throw all of my stuff into for all of my weekend festivities. The best part is that it is so versatile that I can wear it with anything. It can be worn as a satchel or handbag and comes in so many colors. At $29 I can safely say it will be one that I carry around for awhile simply based on functionality!


Top ($10) | Jeans (50% off!) | Shoes | Purse | Sunglasses | Bracelet 1 | Bracelet 2 | Bracelet 2 | Lipstick

I actually found these jeans at Marshalls for $15. They fit me so great and are the perfect amount of distressed. I found and linked the EXACT pair for you guys and they are even %50 off right now! My top is currently less than $10 from Forever 21. I found a couple of other really cute options that are better quality if you aren’t a Forever fan here and here.

What are you guys doing for the weekend? I am going to see Jason Aldean and Jason Derulo at the Houston Rodeo tomorrow and Friday. The rodeo is my favorite time of the year and fried Oreos may or may not have everything to do with it. The inner fatty in me waits all year for this 🙂


*Thank you Charming Charlie for sponsoring this post*