I think I’ve posted entirely too many donuts on my Instagram to deny that I have an obsession, although I blame my sister because her donut obsession runs a lot deeper than mine. I can’t complain too much because finding new donut places around town and now learning to make them on our own has been so much fun! Over the weekend we ditched doing the traditional Easter egg dying and went with a yummier treat, mini donuts. While these pictures make the donuts look normal sized, in reality they are a little bit bigger than an Oreo. This is the perfect size because you will probably eat a dozen in one sitting. What makes these even better, is that they are baked, not fried so you feel a little less guilty indulging! If you weren’t already hooked just look at how amazing these turned out 🙂
In order to make these you will need to buy a mini donut maker. We have the VonChef Mini Donut Maker but any similar one will do. I personally like this one best because it makes 12 mini donuts at one time instead of 6, which is the common number that you will find when looking for similar ones. Now all that you will need to make the donuts is your favorite boxed cake mix. For this recipe we used Betty Crocker Strawberry, Red Velvet and Funfetti. I do want to point out that since these are made from cake mix, they will have the taste and consistency of a cup cake. One box of cake mix makes about 36 mini donuts.
What you will need:
- Boxed Caked Mix (choose your favorite)
- 1 egg
- 1/4 cup of Vegetable Oil
- 1 cup of water
- Medium size Ziploc freezer bag
- Scissors
- A pair of tongs
- 1 1/2 cups of powdered sugar
- 2 tablespoons milk
- 1 tablespoon butter
- You will need to repeat the last 3 bullet points for each different color of glaze that you want to make.
- Food coloring
- Any toppings that you want
- Suggestions: Coconut, chocolate sauce, sprinkles, pecans, fruit, candy, etc,
- Plug in your donut maker and let it heat up while you are making your mix.
- Mix together in a bowl your cake mix, egg, vegetable oil and water until there are no clumps.
- Pour the mix into your Ziploc bag and seal. Cut a small hole in the bottom corner. You will use this to “pipe” the batter into the donut maker.
- Open up your donut maker and slowly squeeze the mixture into each donut formation. It will probably be a bit of trial and error in order to see how much you need to put in each one.
- Once you have filled all of your donut formations, close the lid and let them bake for 3-5 minutes. Ours seemed to only need 3 minutes but I suggest checking them at 3 minutes and seeing if they need a bit longer or not. The outside should be slightly brown before you take them out.
- Go ahead and make all of the donuts that you plan on making. While the donuts are cooling, we will make our icing.
- Mix together your powdered sugar, melted butter and milk. Remember you will need to multiply the ingredients by however many different colors you plan to make. You can add in more powdered sugar if the consistency is too thin. You want the consistency to be pretty thick so that it does not run right off of the donuts. This is now when you can add in your food coloring. You will only need 1-2 drops depending on how dark you want your colors. I suggest starting with one.
- Dip your donuts in to the glaze with the entire top side facing down. Give it a couple seconds and then lift out of the glaze. Again this will probably be a trial and error process and depending on your icing consistency you might need to dip the donuts twice.
- If you are going to add toppings to the donuts you need to do it as soon as you get done icing them as they will dry pretty fast.
- Once you are completely done let try for at least an hour to let them completely dry before stacking them.
Disclaimer: Once you make these you will be hooked! They are so much fun to make as the possibilities on flavors and icing techniques are endless! I can promise you that if you take these to an event, you are going to get asked to bring them again or at the very least you will be asked for the recipe, so make sure you Pin this one now!
For more donut inspired recipes, amazing donut shops around the Houston and surrounding areas, and some of the prettiest donut pics you will ever see, go check out my sister’s Instagram (glazed_and_confused_). You won’t be sorry that you did 🙂
April 6, 2016 at 3:17 pm (8 years ago)Just saved this post for future reference for my daughters first birthday! Love it and love your blog! I’m getting major blog inspiration and fashion inspiration, girl
From a fellow Houstonian! 😘
April 3, 2017 at 9:22 am (7 years ago)These are so adorable, and I love that they’re mini so you can make a ton and decorate them in different colorful icings and sprinkles like you’ve done here! I have not heard of a donut maker, but I am tempted to get one now! I have a donut pan, but it only makes six at a time, and they’re larger donuts. This just looks too fun! Thank you for sharing!
Shelbi Lynne
April 3, 2017 at 9:22 pm (7 years ago)Yes, you have to get a donut maker! They are so much fun and a great little treat since they are mini 🙂 Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing the love!