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No matter what age you are, every gal likes to be pampered! And for some reason it’s usually the last thing we spend money on which is why these types of gifts are always appreciated so much! I’ve given some variation of a “Treat Yo Self” gift basket to pretty much every friend and family member over the years and the response is always the same- LOVE LOVE LOVE!
The best part is that you can customize the gift basket to fit your giftee. If you know they love bubble baths, give them a bath tray, bath bombs, and a candle. If they aren’t a fan of baths, customize a mask basket complete with masks for the face, lips and under eyes – aka the works. If they are a homebody, give them a cute pajama set, slippers and throw blanket because lord knows the majority of us will wear an old college shirt before dropping money on a new set of cozies. Do they like game nights? Give them a fun game, a bottle of wine and cute wine glass. Speaking of wine, literally every “Treat Yo Self” gift basket is instantly made 100X better simply by adding your giftee’s favorite bottle of wine or bubbly.
So even if you are last minute, this easy gift basket idea will look like you put plenty of thought and time into hand picking each component – talk about a win win! All of these items can be found on Amazon Prime (2 day shipping), Target (order online and pick up at the front counter), or Nordstrom (order online and pick up at the front counter).